Environmentally Friendly Clothing That Expresses Who You Are
We’re all guilty of it; having to quickly cram a piece of clothing into the wardrobe to get it to shut, realising we usually have more clothes than we have places to go.
We can be especially guilty of neglecting those pieces of clothing which we’ve hoarded for so long – the old faithful’s that we love and don’t want to let go of, but which never seem to make it out of the wardrobe. What if there was a way to make the best use of all that extra clothing you’ve got lying around, to give it a new lease of life and make it your latest go-to piece?
Here at Gamesby Clothing we strongly believe that your clothes should be a way for you to project your personality; to show the world who you are, and what better way to do that than by using pieces of clothing that you’ve already made memories in, that have accompanied you through a few days of your life and that can show the world who you really are.
Crafting together pieces of your pre-loved clothing can be a statement way of stitching together parts of yourself, patch by patch, to let your individuality flair out and give yourself the power to be yourself. Take inspiration from the outdoors, your favourite places, your favourite things and produce unique pieces of clothing.
Here are five simple steps to help you become more sustainable with the items of clothing or fabrics you own at home and your clothing purchases.
1. The 30 wears test: ask yourself before buying an item will I wear it more than 30 times? You’ll be surprised how many times you say no.
2. Be more informed or research more as to where your clothes are made, the brands sustainability message and how ethically they source materials
3. Donate or use second-hand marketplaces to ensure clothes are kept in circulation
4. Learn how to repair clothes or find a tailor, repaired clothes can add a vintage look
5. Use Gamesby Clothing, to give your old clothes a new lease of life.
(Conor Ryan)